We are glad that you connected with us. We believe that it is not an accident that you are here. We pray that you encounter Jesus in a deeper way.
We pray for strength in every aspect of your life because we believe that you are designed for something greater, bigger, and stronger.
We hope to see you in church!
Pastors Al & Rose Tabernero
Lead Pastors, New Life Cagayan de Oro
Our desire in New Life is that every person would have an encounter with God, that every hopeless situation would be turned around. With God’s intervention, your mess would become your message, your test would become your testimony, and you would enjoy abundant LIFE that Jesus came to bring. We extend ourselves to you.
God’s blessings to you!
A city to touch…
A nation to reach…
A world to change…
All of us together, making a difference.
Pastors Paul and Shoddy Chase
Founders & Senior Pastors
We are here for you
Dedicating your child? Getting married? Need a wake service?